Shall the City of Fractal build a community structure that maximizes community utility and function in providing city services and community participation?
Functions to be included:
· Train and deputize a volunteer fire force to be called up in an emergence situation. This would include natural emergencies such as large fires.
· Volunteer park rangers, that with otherization of the community can take on project to enhance the community and maintain existing landscapes.
· Community outreach services, providing necessities to those in need and intervention specialists that could intervene as mediators in potential conflict resolution issues.
Training, testing competence and certification would be given to those at different levels. Certification shall be made available to participants of all ages, where deemed feasible.
Volunteer recognition would be given, plus protentional compensation would be given for work or value provided. Economic opportunity tax points could be created for those requiring assistance for paying for city taxes or services.
Fractal is derived from the Latin fractus, meaning to break, shatter, or break down. The term fractal was first coined by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and first appeared in print in 1975. In an effort to break the bonds of traditional Euclidian Geometry, Fractals try to encompass forms found in nature, organizational forms, and in the sciences and arts. These patterns are often observed at varying levels and in many ways can be a unify force that can bring humanity together. Here are examples how naming our city Fractal would help exemplify the virtues of our great municipal.
1. Fractals are the geometry of nature, a city that strives to be environmentally prudent deserves a name that reflects this character.
2. The Fractal name compliments neighboring cities. Oakland is represented by the fractal oak, and Emeryville is home to a major company founded on fractal mathematics, “Pixar”.
3. Our city is blessed in having two of the world’s most prominent mathematical research centers, the University of California Mathematics Department and MSRI (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute). Data science often uses fractal structures to solve complex problems.
4. Fractals are used in almost all aspects of life; different groups can incorporate forms into their identity.
5. Fractals are multicultural: African villages exhibit fractal structure, Ohlone native designs and basket weaves, Navaho natives weave linear fractal patterns into their blankets, the Ethiopic cross has a repeating fractal configuration, Arab architecture use repeating fractal arrangements, Japanese art, Hindu self-similar temples, and European architects use fractal structure to optimize form and function as seen in the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
6. Art forms and cultural elements evolved in this region that exhibit fractal construction from psychedelic art to tie-dye t-shirts and are a mainstay of local culture. These inhabitants were often referred to as hippies.
7. Fractal City Government will be encouraged to use fractal structures to optimize organizational departments greater efficiencies.
8. A city with the name Fractal will inadvertently boost the citizen’s understand of mathematics and will it’s renderings will pay dividends to the community in its application. Student’s mathematics scores should also see a sizeable appreciation.
9. The city name Fractal should boost commerce to the local economy with patrons wanting to acquire related city merchandising and partake in associated festivals.
8. A city with the name Fractal will inadvertently boost the citizen’s understanding of mathematics and will its renderings will pay dividends to the community in its application. Student’s mathematics scores should also see a sizeable appreciation. Geometry, Fractals try to encompass forms found in nature, organizational forms, and in the sciences and arts. These patterns are often observed at varying levels and in many ways can be a unifying force that can bring humanity together. Here are examples of how naming our city Fractal would help exemplify the virtues of our great municipal.al.neglected to furnish the promised funds for the college, and, having exhausted much of his own fortune in his benevolent design, Bishop Berkeley was compelled to return to his native land. So powerfully impressed had he become with the great future of the American colonies that he wrote the famous poem, "Destiny of America," the concluding stanza of which is quoted above. Alexander Pope, his intimate friend, declared he was "possessed of every virtue." He died January 14, 1753, at Oxford, England. While Bishop Berkeley was a visionary and did great works for the world, Berkeley did purchase three slaves when he acquired a Middletown, Rhode Island plantation in 1728 which he owned for three years. This abhorrent act no matter the circumstance disqualified his name from being associated with the city.