In the Bay Area there is an acute housing shortage. Over time city, county, regional, and state policies developed that put home ownership out of reach for many residences. This was intensified with city polices that pitted different economic classes against each other, often for political gain. The cost to the local and regional economy and society has been immense.
Shall the City of Berkeley issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $100,000,000 to build, renovate, replace, or reconstruct the Fractal City’s first Fractal Housing community. The bond would be targeted to allow housing (residential) ownership to the Fractal City communities and would be paid back in large part by the communities that utilize them. Profits could be reinvested to expand more residential ownership opportunities to the community populous. The concept would allow groups or individuals to gain ownership/tile/equity to housing units. Equity could be gained through a combination of payments, rents and labor. With previsions provided to community harmony and economic stability.
Different models can be fashioned for different communities. Citizens would gain equity through a combination of labor and monetary contributions. Labor contribution would be based on skills (value) and time contributed. Training would also be provided (often through community colleges or training facilities) to enhance skills.
Housing units would be formed in linear fractal clusters, enabling communities with common utility needs and interest to form. Housing units would be quantized at different levels, focuses, and sizes, in many jurisdiction restrictions or opportunities. There may be a requirement to vacate a unit upon occupying another unit. While all fair housing rules need to be adhered to, different covenants may vary on defining a community’s charter. Similar to housing emphasis at universities (ex. Oxford University or UC Santa Cruz Colleges). Themes, functionality, and architecture will likely play a contributing roll. Assessment of different citizens capabilities, clustering like-minded and diverse citizenry will be analyzed sociologist to optimize a community’s dynamics.
For example, communities may focus on common interests: Mathematicians, Scientist, Litterers, Hippies, History, Music-Gospel, Country, Rock and Poetry.